详细介绍: 贵州石材加工厂家|贵州石材厂家批发【尧天石材】质优价廉
江口县尧天石材 tel:18908562061(靳经理)
(1)石膏:在大于 107 ℃时分解。
(2)石灰石、大理石:在大于 910℃时分解。
(3)花岗石:在 600℃时因组成矿物受热不均而裂开。
石材也是热胀冷缩,但若受热后再冷却,其收缩不能回复至原来体积,而必保 留一部份成为永久性膨胀;美国兵工厂曾试验由0℃至 100℃,再降到0℃,测 出永久膨胀增加之度为0.02—O.045%。
到摄氏零下 20时,发生冻结,孔隙内水份膨胀比原有体积大1/10,岩石若不能 抵抗此种膨胀所发生之力,便会出现破坏现象。一般若吸水率小于 0.5%,就不 考虑其抗冻性能。
石材具有良好的耐久性,用石材建造的结构物具有永久保存的可能。古代人早 就认识到这一点,因此许多重要的建筑物及纪念性构筑物都是使用石材建筑的 。
石材的抗压强度会因矿物成份、结晶粗细、胶结物质的均匀性、荷重面积、荷 重作用与解理所成角度等因素,而有所不同。若其他条件相同,通常结晶颗粒 细小而彼此粘结一起的致密材料,具有较高强度。致密的火山岩在干燥及饱和 水份後,抗压强度并无差异(吸水率极低),若属多孔性及怕水之胶结岩石, 其干燥及潮湿之强度,就有显著差别。
Stone features:
1 natural materials
Bright crystal clear, hard and permanent, elegant.
2. Fire resistance
Are different kinds of stone, some stone under high temperature, chemical decomposition.
(1) Gypsum: greater than 107 ℃ decomposition.
(2) Limestone, marble: decomposition at greater than 910 ℃.
(3) Granite: at 600 ℃ due to uneven heating and split constituent minerals.
3. Expansion and contraction
Stone is thermal expansion and contraction, but if heated after cooling, the contraction can not return to its original volume, and will keep a part of a permanent expansion; U.S. arsenal has experimented with the 0 ℃ to 100 ℃, and then down to 0 ℃, measure the increase in the degree of permanent expansion of 0.02 -O.045%.
4. Freezing tolerance
Celsius to minus 20, the occurrence of frozen water within the pore volume expansion ratio of the original large 1/10, can not resist such a rock if the power of expansion that occurs, there will be damage phenomena. If the water absorption of less than 0.5% of the general, do not consider their frost resistance.
5. Durability
Stone has good durability, with a stone built construction with the possibility of permanent preservation. Ancient people have long recognized this, so many important buildings and monumental structures are the use of stone buildings.
6. Compressive strength
The compressive strength of the stone due to minerals, crystal thickness, cement material uniformity, load size, load acting cleaved so that the angle and other factors vary. If other conditions are the same, usually small crystalline particles bonded to each other along the dense material with high strength. Dense volcanic rock in dry and saturated water, the compressive strength did not differ (low water absorption), if they are afraid of the water in the porous and cemented rocks, the strength of its dry and damp, there are significant differences.