详细介绍: 贵州石材石料生产厂家|贵州石材加工厂家【尧天石材】外墙保温专用
江口县尧天石材 tel:18908562061(靳经理)
江口县尧天石材有限公司是一家集石材开采、生产、加工、销售为一体的 私营企业,公司成立于2010年8月20日,注册资本为人民币100万。
公司现有职工30人,其中熟练操作工21人,具有多年工作经验的销售人员4 人,专业技术指导1人,管理人员5人。
为促进工厂由粗加工向精加工转型,我公司投入120余万元购置了一整套数 字打磨机、红外线切割机等先进设备,这套设备的投入使用,大大的降低了产 品的生产成本,提高了工作效率,还有效的节约了石材资源。
公司所选原料为天然板岩,是公共建筑、家庭装修、园林建筑等理想的建 筑材料,它即弘扬东方古老的文化,又体现西方古典、优雅、返补归真的艺术 风格。主要产品种类有:青板、绿锈和锈板。常规尺寸有:120×60cm,90× 60cm,60×60cm,30×60cm,30×30cm,20×40cm,30×15cm,10×20cm等,并可 按客户要求进行各种古面、磨光面、亚光面、自然面、蘑菇文化石等表面加工 。
Eguchi County Yao Tian Stone Co., Ltd. is a set of stone mining, production, processing, marketing as one of the private sector, the company was established in August 20, 2010 with a registered capital of RMB 1,000,000.
Company employees 30 people, including 21 skilled operatives who have many years of experience in sales staff four people, professional and technical guidance to a people management personnel 5.
To promote plant consists of roughing to finishing transition, the company invested more than 120 million yuan to purchase a set of digital grinding machine, infrared cutting machine and other advanced equipment, the equipment is put into use, greatly reducing production costs, improve work efficiency, but also effectively saving the stone resources.
Companies selected raw materials are natural slate, public buildings, home decoration, landscape architecture, such as the ideal building material, namely promoting the ancient oriental culture, but also reflects the Western classical, elegant, back fill Guizhen artistic style. Main products are: Green board, green rust and rust boards. Conventional size: 120 × 60cm, 90 × 60cm, 60 × 60cm, 30 × 60cm, 30 × 30cm, 20 × 40cm, 30 × 15cm, 10 × 20cm, etc., and customers can request a variety of ancient surface, polished , matte surface, natural surface, mushroom cultural stone surface processing.
地址:贵州省铜仁地区江口县双江镇 |