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package YWSTECH.
eTOP306 5.7“TFT彩色显示屏,LED背光的320×240像素(QVGA)分辨率,64K色
eTOP307 7“TFT彩色显示屏,LED背光800×480像素(WVGA)分辨率,64K色
eTOP308 7.5“TFT彩色显示屏,CCFL背光640×480像素(VGA)的分辨率,64K色
eTOP310 10.4“TFT彩色显示屏,CCFL背光640×480像素(VGA)的分辨率,64K色
eTOP312 12.1“TFT彩色显示屏,CCFL背光的800×600像素(SVGA)的分辨率,64K色
eTOP313 13.3“TFT宽屏幕彩色显示屏,CCFL背光1280×800像素(WXGA)分辨率,64K色
eTOP315 15“TFT彩色显示屏,CCFL背光1024×768像素(XGA)的分辨率,64K色
eTOP406 5.7“TFT彩色显示屏,LED背光的320×240像素(QVGA)分辨率,64K色
eTOP407 7“TFT彩色显示屏,LED背光800×480像素(WVGA)分辨率,64K色
eTOP408 7.5“TFT彩色显示屏,CCFL背光640×480像素(VGA)的分辨率,64K色
eTOP410 10.4“TFT彩色显示屏,LED背光640×480像素(VGA)的分辨率,64K色
eTOP412 12.1“TFT彩色显示屏,CCFL背光的800×600像素(SVGA)的分辨率,64K色
eTOP413 13.3“TFT宽屏幕彩色显示屏,CCFL背光1280×800像素(WXGA)分辨率,64K色
eTOP415 15“TFT彩色显示屏,CCFL背光1024×768像素(XGA)的分辨率,64K色
eTOP504 4.3“TFT彩色显示屏480x272像素,64K色
eTOP506 5.7“TFT彩色显示屏,LED背光的320×240像素(QVGA)分辨率,64K色
eTOP507 7“TFT彩色显示屏,LED背光800×480像素(WVGA)分辨率,64K色
eTOP510 10“SVGA TFT彩色显示屏,LED背光800×600像素(SVGA)的分辨率,64K色
eTOP512 12“SVGA TFT彩色显示屏,LED背光800×600像素(SVGA)的分辨率,64K色
eTOP513 13“WXGA TFT彩色显示屏,LED背光1280×800像素的分辨率,64K色
eTOP515 15“XGA TFT彩色显示屏,LED背光1024×768像素的分辨率,64K色
eTOP03 3.8英寸单色显示屏,白色LED背光的1/4 VGA(320×240像素)分辨率
eTOP04C 4.3“TFT彩色显示器,256色,分辨率为480×272像素
eTOP05 5.6“单色显示器。 1/4 VGA(320×240像素)分辨率
eTOP06 5.6“TFT彩色显示屏,LED背光.320 X240分辨率
eTOP06C 5.6“TFT彩色显示屏,LED backlight.1/ 4 VGA分辨率
eTOP20C 7.5“TFT彩色显示器,VGA(640×480像素)分辨率,64K色
eTOP33C 10.4“TFT彩色显示器,VGA(640×480像素)分辨率,64K色
eTOP50C 15“TFT彩色显示屏,XGA(1024×768像素)分辨率,64K色
eTOP507G 高亮度7“TFT彩色显示屏,LED背光,800×480像素(WVGA)分辨率,64K色
eTOP05P 5.6“带背光的液晶显示屏,32 MB闪存,没有本地I/ O可能
ePALM10-0068 8行20个字符的的背光LCDw/3位置Switch.Ethernet
ePALM10-3P62 8行20字符背光LCD W / 3位置开关
ePAD03 4行20个字符,图形背光LCD显示w/11键
ePAD04 4行20个字符,图形背光LCD显示w/11键-NO电池
ePAD05 4行20个字符,图形背光LCD显示w/19键
ePAD06 4行20个字符,图形背光LCD显示w/19keys-NO电池
CP10G-04 4行20个字符的图形背光LCD Display.35的钥匙。
eTOP507G 7“高亮度TFT彩色显示屏,LED backlight.800x480像素(WVGA)分辨率,64K色。
ePAD03-00B7 4行20个字符的LCD图形显示0.4键W /电池 - (-20至+60°C)
ePAD05-00B7 4行20个字符的LCD图形Display.9键W /电池 - (-20至+60°C)
MEM-10B SSFDC32 MB闪存卡,用于图形面板。
VMO10 视频输入模块 - 只为B或C代
AHOOK01 钩设置不使用磁铁ePALM
AHOOK02 钩设置的磁铁使用ePALM
SCM11 10BASE-T以太网TCP / IP YWSTECH 18350070125
SCM11-C 以太网10BASE-T的TCP / IP.LC功能 - CoDeSys中运行
TCM01 西门子MPI模块(S7300-400)光隔离
TCM03 Allen Bradley的DeviceNet模块
TCM07 配套西门子MPI无光电隔离模块(S7300-400)
TCM08 配套西门子Profibus®DP模块
TCM09 CANopen®模块
TCM09P 添加模块用于CANopen®
TCM10 10BASE-T以太网模块
TCM15 TCM15 EPAD03/05.ETOP03 RS232通讯模块
TCM16 TCM16的EPAD03/05.ETOP03 RS422/485通讯模块。
TCM17 TCM17,为EIB TP接口通信模块。
TCM19 可选的CAN+的CoDeSys®eTOP400系列模块
TCM20 可选的CoDeSys®eTOP400系列模块
BKDR16 5.6英寸背光LCD Display.33keys的
CP01R-04 4行20个字符的背光LCD Display.24keys的
CP02R-04 4行20个字符的背光LCD Display.23keys的
BKDC-46 5.6“对角线被动16颜色Display.33keys的
MD02R-04 4行20字符背光LCD显示/李
MKDG-06 8行40字符背光LCD图形显示
MKDR-04 4行40字符背光液晶显示器。
MKDR-05 4行40字符背光液晶显示器。
MKDR-16 16行,40个字符
ePAD33C 10.4“TFT有源矩阵彩色Display.640所述480-I/O.35键。
ETT-VGA 10.4英寸TFT有源矩阵彩色显示器640×480。
CP01R-04-00A7 4行20字符背光LCD输出显示键 - (-20至+60°C)。
eTOP02 3.5“TFT彩色display.1/ 4 VGA(320×240像素)分辨率0.256颜色。
eTOP19CP 5.6“高级TFT1/4的VGA Color.outdoor/阳光板/以太网。
BKDR-46 5.6英寸的背光LCD Display.33键YWSTECH 18350070125 。
eTOP49CP 12.1“高亮度阳光下可视TFT SVGA彩色Display.64MB用户内存。
CP02F-02 4行20个字符的的背光LCD Display.23键。
ER-04 4行40字符背光LCD Display.5键。
eTOP59CP 15“高亮度阳光下可视TFT XGA彩色Display.64MB用户内存。
ER-16 5.6英寸的背光LCD Display.5键。
eV084-TNT 8.4“TFT彩色显示屏,64K色,CCFL背光,800x600的屏幕分辨率。
ERT-16 5.6英寸背光液晶显示器。
eV104-VNT 10.4“TFT彩色显示屏,64K色,CCFL分辨率backlight.640x480屏幕。
eTOP02C 3.5“TFT彩色display.1 / 4 VGA(320×240像素)分辨率,256色。
eTOP40C 12.1“,TFT彩色display.SVGA(800x600像素)resolution.64K颜色。
MD03R-04 4行20字符背光LCD显示w/19键
CP11G-04 4行20个字符的图形背光LCD Display.35的钥匙。
MKDG-05 8行40个字符的图形display.76键。
CP04F-04 4行20字符的真空荧光Display.29键。
MKDG-07 8行40字符背光LCD图形Display.47键。
ET-F 38键的薄膜键盘。
MD02R-04-00A7 4行20字符背光LCD Display.19键 - (-20至+60°C)。
eTOP-EPC15/HB 15“TFT显示屏size.High亮度显示option.Touchscreen,:全美达TC5900 CPU。
eTOP05C 5.6“单色显示器。 1/4 VGA(320×240像素)resolution.16灰色的水平。
CP05R-04 4行20字符背光LCD输出显示键。
eTOP11 5.6“STN色display.1的/ 4 VGA(320×240像素)分辨率。
eTOP19C 7.5“TFT彩色显示器VGA(640×480像素)resolution.64K颜色。
eTOP49C 12.1“,TFT彩色display.SVGA(800x600像素)resolution.64K colors.High亮度
eTOP10C 5.6“TFT彩色display.1 / 4 VGA(320×240像素)分辨率。
eTOP12 5.6“单色display.1 / 4 VGA(320×240像素)resolution.1 / 4 VGA(320×240像素)分辨率。
eTOP40CP 12.1英寸TFT SVGA彩色显示器0.32 MB闪存/以太网。
eTOP50CP 15.1英寸TFT XGA彩色Display.32的MB闪存/以太网。
eTOP59C 15“TFT彩色显示屏。XVGA(1024×768像素)resolution.64K颜色。
eV035-TNT 3.5“TFT彩色显示器,256色,LED backlight.320x240像素。
eV035-TST 3.5“TFT彩色显示器,256色,LED backlight.320x240像素。
eV058-TNT 5.7“TFT彩色显示器,256色,LED backlight.320x240像素。
eV058-TST 5.7“TFT彩色显示器,256色,LED backlight.320x240像素。
eV080-TNT 8“TFT彩色显示,64K colours.800x600的屏幕分辨率。
eV104-TNT 10.4“TFT彩色显示屏,64K色,的CCFL backlight.800x600屏幕分辨率
eV121-TNT 12.1“TFT彩色显示屏,64K色,的CCFL backlight.800X600屏幕分辨率
eV Designer Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP开发软件的
Designer 6.0 Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP开发软件的CD,PC电缆。
JMobile Studio Suite JMobile是一个创新的,真正意义上的移动HMI平台进行实时监测和控制远程设备。
eTOP504 + Plug-in Modules eTOP504+ PLCM01 + PLIO03
eTOP507 + Plug-in Modules eTOP507+ PLCM01 + PLIO03
eTOP510 + Plug-in Modules eTOP510+ PLCM01 + PLIO03
PLCM01 Plug-in module CAN YWSTECH 18350070125
PLCM01-CDS Plug-in module CAN + CoDeSys
PLCM05-CDS Plug-in module CoDeSys
PLCM02 Plug-in module for KNX/EIB (TP interface)
PLIO03 I / O模块,24VDC,20 DI1224VDC0,5 A,8个可编程AI,4个可编程的AO,1 PT100
SCM-05-C 的CoDeSys®运行的时间system.CANopen®/ DeviceNet接口扩展I / O。
SCM03 ISaGRAF的V3运行时system.CANopen/ DeviceNet接口扩展I / O。
SCM12-C CoDeSys®运行的时间system.CANopen®/ DeviceNet接口I/ O expansion.10MB Ethernet
UIM03 16 DI 24 VDC.16继电器I / O Out.Requires-0050只。
SCM05P-C PLC Module.CoDeSys®2.X的CANopen®master.coated的的电子产品。
UIM05 I / O20 DI 24 VDC.1224 VDC0.1 A,8编编AI,AO
UIM06 I / O20 DI 24 VDC.2024 VDC0.1 A,8编编AI,AO
UIM05P I / O模块,涂层电子(-0050或-0052)。
SCM03-C CoDeSys的运行时系统,I/ O扩展的CANopen/ DeviceNet接口。
CP01R-04-0045 LCD display, 4 lines 20 characters, 5 function keys, numeric keypad. PLC, C/Printer and Aux ports.
CP01R-04-00A7 LCD display, 4 lines 20 characters, 5 function keys, numeric keypad. PLC, C/Printer and Aux ports, extended operating temperature range -20 +60
CP02R-04-0045 LCD display, 4 lines 20 characters, 16 function keys/numeric keypad. PLC, PC/Printer, Aux Ports
CP04F-04-0045 Vacuum Fluorescent display, 4 lines 20 characters, 10 function keys, numeric keypad. PLC, PC/Printer, Aux Ports
CP05R-04-0045 LCD display, 4 lines 20 characters, 5 function keys, numeric keypad. PLC/PC, Aux Ports
CP10G-04-0045 Graphic LCD display, 120x32 pixel, 4 lines 20 characters, 12 function keys, numeric keypad. PLC, PC/Printer and Aux ports.
CP11G-04-0045 Graphic LCD display, 120x32 pixel, 4 lines 20 characters, 12 function keys. PLC/PC, Aux Ports
ePAD03-0046 Graphic LCD display, 120x32, 4 lines 20 characters, 4 function keys, RTC with battery backup, PLC/PC, Aux Ports
ePAD03-00B7 Graphic LCD display, 120x32, 4 lines 20 characters, 4 function keys, RTC with battery backup, YWSTECH 18350070125 PLC/PC, Aux Ports, extended operating temperature range -20 +60
ePAD04-0046 Graphic LCD display, 120x32, 4 lines 20 characters, 4 function keys, PLC/PC, Aux Ports
ePAD05-0046 Graphic LCD display, 120x32, 4 lines 20 characters, 9 function keys, RTC with battery backup, PLC/PC, Aux Ports
ePAD05-00B7 Graphic LCD display, 120x32, 4 lines 20 characters, 9 function keys/numeric keypad, RTC with battery backup, PLC/PC, Aux Ports, extended operating temperature range -20 +60
ePAD06-0046 Graphic LCD display, 120x32, 4 lines 20 characters, 9 function keys, PLC/PC, Aux Ports
ER-04-0045 LCD display, 4 lines 40 characters, 5 keys keypad. PLC, PC/Printer, Aux Ports
MD02R-04-0045 LCD display, 4 lines 20 characters, 9 function keys/numeric keypad. PLC, PC/Printer, Aux Ports
MD02R-04-00A7 LCD display, 4 lines 20 characters, 9 function keys/numeric keypad. PLC, PC/Printer, Aux Ports, extended operating YWSTECH 18350070125 temperature range -20 +60
MD03R-04-0045 LCD display, 4 lines 20 characters, 9 function keys/numeric keypad. PLC/PC, Aux Ports
MKDG-05-0045 Graphic LCD display, 240x64 pixel, 8 lines 40 characters, 20 function keys. PLC, PC/Printer and Aux Ports
MKDG-06-0045 Graphic LCD display, 240x64 pixel, 8 lines 40 characters, 23 function keys, alphanumeric keypad. PLC, YWSTECH 18350070125 PC/Printer and Aux PortsYWSTECH 18350070125DESCRTPTION
MKDG-07-0045 Graphic LCD display, 240x64 pixel, 8 lines 40 characters, 23 function keys, alphanumeric keypad, ready to house YWSTECH 18350070125 mechanical pushbuttons. PLC, PC/Printer and Aux Ports
MKDR-04-0045 LCD display, 4 lines 40 characters, 16 function keys, numeric keypad. PLC, PC/Printer, Aux Ports YWSTECH 18350070125.
MKDR-05-0045 LCD display, 4 lines 40 characters, 20 function keys, numerc keypad. PLC, PC/Printer and Aux Ports YWSTECH 18350070125 Graphical Workstations
BKDC-46-0045 5.6" STN color graphic, 320x240, 16 colors, 16 lines, 40 characters, 33 function keys, ASCII keyboard . PLC, YWSTECH 18350070125PC/Printer, Aux Ports
BKDR-16-0045 5.6" graphic LCD display, 320x240, 16 lines, 40 characters, 10 function keys, numeric keypad. PLC,YWSTECH 18350070125 PC/Printer, Aux Ports
BKDR-46-0045 5.6" graphic LCD display, 320x240, 16 lines, 40 characters, 33 function keys, ASCII keyboard. PLC,YWSTECH 18350070125 PC/Printer, Aux Ports
ePAD33C-0050 10.4" TFT color, 640x480, 64K colors, 35 function keys, alphanumeric keypad, 64 MB user memory. Ethernet Port,USB Port, YWSTECH 18350070125 PLC, PC/Printer, Aux Ports. Compatible with local I/O. Compatible with video input
ER-16-0045 Graphic LCD display, 16 lines 40 characters, 5 keys keypad. PLC, PC/Printer, Aux Ports
MKDR-16-0045 Graphic LCD display 320x240 (16 lines, 40 characters), 16 function keys, numeric keypad. PLC, PC/Printer, YWSTECH 18350070125 Handheld Series
ePALM10-0061 Graphic LCD display, 120x64 pixels, 8 lines 20 characters, 9 function keys, emergency stop button. PLC,
PC/Printer, Aux Ports, 5 meters cable for serial connection
ePALM10-0062 Graphic LCD display, 120x64 pixels, 8 lines 20 characters, 9 function keys, emergency stop button. PLC
PC/Printer, Aux Ports, 10 meters cable for serial connection
ePALM10-0066 Graphic LCD display, 120x64 pixels, 8 lines 20 characters, 9 function keys, emergency stop button,
5 meters cable for Ethernet connection, includes SCM11, 3-position enabling switch
ePALM10-0067 Graphic LCD display, 120x64 pixels, 8 lines 20 characters, 9 function keys, emergency stop button,
10 meters cable for Profibus DP, includes TCM08, 3-position enabling switch
ePALM10-0068 Graphic LCD display, 120x64 pixels, 8 lines 20 characters, 9 function keys, emergency stop button,
10 meters cable for Ethernet connection, includes SCM11, 3-position enabling switch
ePALM10-0069 Graphic LCD display, 120x64 pixels, 8 lines 20 characters, 9 function keys, emergency stop button,
5 meters cable for Profibus DP, includes TCM08, 3-position enabling switch
ePALM10-3P61 Graphic LCD display, 120x64 pixels, 8 lines 20 characters, 9 function keys, emergency stop button,
PLC, PC/Printer, Aux Ports, 5 meters for serial connection, 3-position enabling switch
ePALM10-3P62 Graphic LCD display, 120x64 pixels, 8 lines 20 characters, 9 function keys, emergency stop button.
PLC, PC/Printer, Aux Ports, 10 meters cable for serial connection, 3-position enabling switch
TOUCH Series
ERT-16-0045 5.6" monochrome graphic LCD, 320x240, touchscreen. PLC, PC/Printer, Aux Ports
eTOP02-0046 3.5" TFT color, 320x240, 256 colors, touchscreen, 1MB user memory, PLC/ PC, Aux Ports
eTOP02C-0046 3.5" TFT color, 320x240, 256 colors, touchscreen, 1MB user memory, PLC/ PC, Aux Ports
eTOP03-0046 3.8" monochrome graphic display, 320x240, touchscreen, 512 KB user memory, PLC/PC Port, Aux Port
eTOP05-0045 5.6" monochrome graphic display, 320x240, touchscreen, 32MB user memory. PLC, PC/Printer, Aux Ports
eTOP06-0050 5.6" TFT color, 320x240,64K colors, touchscreen, 64MB user memory.Ethernet Port, PLC, PC/Printer, Aux Ports
compatible with local I/O,compatible with video input.
eTOP11-0050 5.6" STN color, 320x240, 16 colors, touchscreen, 32MB user memory.PLC, PC/Printer, Aux Ports, compatible
with local I/O
eTOP12-0050 5.6" monochrome graphic display, 320x240, touchscreen, 32MB user memory. PLC, PC/Printer,YWSTECH 18350070125 compatible with local I/O, compatible with video input
ETT-VGA-0045 10.4'' TFT color graphic, 640x480, touchscreen, 11 keys keypad, 32 MB user memory. PLC, PC/Printer, Aux Ports
UniControl-01-USB Exor ISaGRAF 64 I/O (CD + Hardware key USB)
UniControl-02-USB ISaGRAF 256 I/O (CD + Hardware key USB)
AHOOK01 Hook set YWSTECH 18350070125 without magnet for ePALM10/11
AHOOK02 Hook set with magnet for ePALM 10/11
MDGEND Gender changer for panels without PC/Printer Port
SCM10 Add-on module Web Server
SCM12 PLC module with ISaGRAF runtime. CANopen master interface. Ethernet 10base-T TCP/IP interface.
SCM12-C PLC module with CoDeSys runtime. CANopen master interface. Ethernet 10base-T TCP/IP interface.
TCM15 Add-on module for serial expansion RS-232. *Verify compatibility*
TCM16 Add-on module for serial expansion RS-485. *Verify compatibility*
TCM17 Add-on module for EIB (TP interface)
TCM18 Add-on module for Profibus DP slave 1.5 Mb
TSI01 Converter Module for UniNET
TSI02 Bus terminal for UniNET YWSTECH 18350070125 TOUCH PANELS-C Generation
eTOP05C-0045 5.6" monochrome graphic display,320x240,touchscreen,64MB user memory,Ethernet Port,PLC Port,PC/Printer Port,Aux YWSTECH 18350070125 Port
eTOP06C-0050 5.6" TFT color,320x240,touchscreen,64K colors,touchscreen,64MB user memory,Ethernet Port,PLC Port,PC/Printer
Port,Aux Port,compatible with local I/O,compatible with video input
eTOP10C-0050 5.6" TFT color, 320x240, 64K colors, touchscreen, 64MB user memory, Ethernet Port10/100, PLC Port, PC/Printer Port,
Aux Port,compatible with local I/O,compatible with video input
eTOP20C-0050 7.5" TFT color, 640x480, 64K colors, touchscreen, 64MB user memory, Ethernet Port10/100, PLC Port, PC/Printer Port,
Aux Port, compatible with local I/O,compatible with video input
eTOP33C-0050 10.4" TFT color, 640x480, 64K colors, touchscreen, 64MB user memory, Ethernet Port10/100, PLC Port, PC/Printer Port,
Aux Port,compatible with local I/O,compatible with video input
eTOP40C-0050 12.1" TFT color, 800x600, 64K colors, touchscreen, 64MB user memory, Ethernet Port10/100, PLC Port, PC/Printer Port
Aux Port,compatible with local I/O,compatible with video input
eTOP50C-0050 15" TFT color, 1024x768, 64K colors, touchscreen, 64MB user memory, Ethernet Port10/100, PLC Port, PC/Printer Port, YWSTECH 18350070125 Aux Port, compatible with local I/O,compatible with video input
eTOP19C-0050 High-brightness 5.6" TFT color display, 320x240, 64K colors, extended temperature range, 64MB user memory,
Ethernet Port,PLC,PC/Printer.Aux Ports.compatible with local I/O,compatible with video input
eTOP38C-0050 High-brightness 10.4" TFT color, 800x600, 64K colors, resistive touchscreen, 32MB user memory,
Ethernet Port,PLC,PC/Printer.Aux Ports.compatible with local I/O,compatible with video input
eTOP49C-0050 High-brightness 12.1" TFT color, 800x600, 64K colors, touchscreen, 64MB user memory,
Ethernet Port,USB Port,PLC,PC/Printer.Aux Ports.compatible with local I/O,compatible with video input
eTOP59C-0050 High-brightness 15" TFT color, 1024x768, 64K colors, resistive touchscreen, 64MB user memory, Ethernet Port,
PLC Port, PC/Printer.Aux Ports.compatible with local I/O,compatible with video input WCE UNITS
eTOP105C-0045 5.6" monochrome display,1/4 VGA, resistive touchscreen,64MB memory, Windows CE .NET 4.2, 10/100
Ethernet port,USB port,PLC port,PC/Printer port,Aux port
eTOP106C-0050 5.6" TFT color,320x240 VGA,64K colors, resistive touchscreen, 64MB memory,Windows CE.NET version 4.2,
10/100 Ethernet port, USB port, PLC port, PC/Printer port,Aux port, compatible with local I/O
eTOP120C-0045 7.5" TFT color,640x480,64K colors, resistive touchscreen, 64MB memory,Windows CE.NET version 4.2, 10/100
Ethernet port, USB port, PLC port, PC/Printer port,Aux port, compatible with local I/O
eTOP133C-0050 10.4" TFT color, 640x480, 64K colors, resistive touchscreen, 64MB memory, Windows CE.NET version 4.2,
10/100 Ethernet port, USB port, PLC port,PC/Printer port,Aux port, compatible with local I/O
eTOP140C-0050 12.1" TFT color, 800x600, 64K colors, resistive touchscreen, 64MB memory, Windows CE.NET version 4.2,
10/100 Ethernet port, USB port, PLC port,PC/Printer port,Aux port, compatible with local I/O
eTOP150C-0050 15" TFT color, 1024x768, 64K colors, resistive touchscreen, 64MB memory, Windows CE.NET version 4.2,
10/100 Ethernet port, USB port, PLC port,PC/Printer port,Aux port, compatible with local I/O
TOUCH Series with marine approval
eTOP19CP-0052 High-brightness 5.6" TFT color,320x240,64K colors,touchscreen.64MB user memory,Ethernet Port,
USB Port,PLC Port,PC/Printer Port,dual module option.compatible with local I/O,compatible with video input, YWSTECH 18350070125 coated electronics,extended temperature range
eTOP38CP-0052 High-brightness 10.4" TFT color,800x600,64K colors,touchscreen.64MB user memory,Ethernet Port, YWSTECH 18350070125 USB Port,PLC Port,PC/Printer Port,dual module option.compatible with local I/O,compatible with video input,
coated electronics
eTOP40CP-0052 12.1" TFT color,800x600,64K colors,touchscreen.64MB user memory,Ethernet Port,
USB Port,PLC Port,PC/Printer Port,dual module option.compatible with local I/O,compatible with video input, YWSTECH 18350070125 coated electronics
eTOP49CP-0052 High-brightness 12.1" TFT color,800x600,64K colors,touchscreen.64MB user memory,Ethernet Port, YWSTECH 18350070125 USB Port,PLC Port,PC/Printer Port,dual module option.compatible with local I/O,compatible with video input, YWSTECH 18350070125 coated electronics,extended temperature range
eTOP50CP-0052 15" TFT color,1024x768,64K colors,touchscreen.64MB user memory,Ethernet Port,
USB Port,PLC Port,PC/Printer Port,dual module option.compatible with local I/O,compatible with video input, YWSTECH 18350070125 coated electronics
eTOP59CP-0052 High-brightness 15" TFT color,1024x768,64K colors,touchscreen.64MB user memory,Ethernet Port,
USB Port,PLC Port,PC/Printer Port,dual module option.compatible with local I/O,compatible with video input, YWSTECH 18350070125 coated electronics
XPANEL XP5-V High-brightness 5.7"TFT color display, 640x480,64K colors, resistive touchscreen,10/100 Ethernet interface,
2 CAN interfaces,64MB user memory, fully waterproof
XPANEL XP8-V High-brightness 8.4"TFT color display, 640x480,64K colors, resistive touchscreen,10/100 Ethernet interface,
2 CAN interfaces,64MB user memory, fully waterproof YWSTECH 18350070125SCM05P-C PLC module with CoDeSys 2.x runtime.Enhanced memory.CANopen master interface,coated electronics
UIM05P I/O Module with 20 DI 24VDC(4 inputs can be configured as fast counter inputs), 12 DO 24VDC 0.1A, 8
programmable Al,4 programmable AO,coated electronics. Requires-0050 or -0052
TCM09P Add-on module for CANopen, coated electronics YWSTECH 18350070125 ACCESSORIES
MEM-10B 32 MB SSFDC Flash YWSTECH 18350070125 card
TCM01 Add-on module for Siemens MPI (S7 300-400)
TCM02 Add-on module for Moeller Suconet K
TCM03 Add-on module for DeviceNet
TCM04 Add-on module for Interbus
TCM07 Add-on module for Siemens MPI (S7 300-400), without optoisolation
TCM08 Add-on module for Profibus DP slave 12 Mb
TCM09 Add-on module for CANopen
TCM10 Add-on module for Ethernet 10base-T
SCM03 PLC module with ISaGRAF kernel. CANopen master interface
SCM03-C PLC module with CoDeSys runtime. CANopen master interface
SCM05-C PLC module with CoDeSys 2.x runtime. Enhanced memory.CANopen master interface
SCM11-A Add-on module for Ethernet 10base-T TCP/IP
SCM11-C Add-on module for Ethernet 10base-T TCP/IP.CoDeSys runtime
UIM03 I/O Module 16 DI 24VDC, 16 DO relay 1A module. Requires 0050
UIM05 I/O Module with 20 DI 24VDC (4 inputs can be configured as fast counter inputs)
12 DO 24 VDC 0.1 A, 8 programmable AI, 4 programmable AO. Requires -0050
UIM06 I/O Module with 20 DI 24VDC (4 inputs can be configured as fast counter inputs), 20 DO 24 VDC 0.3 A, 8 WSTECH 18350070125 programmable AI, 2 programmable AO. Requires -0050
UNILOAD-USB SSFDC Loader. USB interface
VMO10 Video input module, 3 video inputs, 1 VGA input
PROT-01 Disposable protection film for ExT-16 touch panels (10 pieces)
PROT-02 Disposable protection film for ExT-VGA touch panels (10 pieces)
PROT-03 Disposable protection film for 5.6" eTOP touch panels (10 pieces)
PROT-04 Disposable protection film for 10.4" eTOP touch panels (10 pieces)
PROT-05 Disposable protection film for 12.1" eTOP touch panels (10 pieces)
PROT-06 Disposable protection film for 15" eTOP touch panels (10 pieces)
PROT-07 Disposable protection film for 3.x" eTOP touch panels (10 pieces)
PROT-09 Disposable protection film for 7.5" eTOP touch panels (10 pieces)