Oh, yes, yes!' cried Camilla, whose fermenting feelings appeared to rise from her legs to her bosom. `It's all very true! It's a weakness to be so affectionate, but I can't help it. No doubt my health would be much better if it was otherwise, still I wouldn't change my disposition if I could. It's the cause of much suffering, but it's a consolation to know I posses it, when I wake up in the night.' Here another burst of feeling.
Miss Havisham and I had never stopped all this time, but kept going round and round the room: now, brushing against the skirts of the visitors: now, giving them the whole length of the dismal chamber.
我国目前新型墙体材料匮乏,建筑工业化基础薄弱,市场出现的墙体板材产品少,质次价高,满足不了钢结构住宅产业化的需要;也间接造成钢结构住宅“成本高、推广困难”的客观现状。因此,如何研发一种“质高价低”的新型墙体板材,以及在充分发挥钢结构“健康、环保”的优势基础上,将钢结构住宅的造价做到市场能接受的程度,这关系到相关企业在未来的竞争中能否占领市场制高点。而彩石金属瓦的出现,也成为钢结构屋面不可或缺的一部分。`There's Matthew!' said Camilla. `Never mixing with any natural ties, never coming here to see how Miss Havisham is! I have taken to the sofa with my staylace cut, and have lain there hours, insensible, with my head over the side, and my hair all down, and my feet I don't know where
`I have gone off into that state, hours and hours, on account of Matthew's strange and inexplicable conduct, and nobody has thanked me.'
`Really I must say I should think not!' interposed the grave lady.
`You see, my dear,' added Miss Sarah Pocket (a blandly vicious personage), `the question to put to yourself is, who did you expect to thank you, my love?'
`Without expecting any thanks, or anything of the sort,' resumed Camilla, `I have remained in that state, hours and hours, and Raymond is a witness of the extent to which I have choked, and what the total inefficacy of ginger has been, and I have been heard at the pianoforte-tuner's