5crnimo合金工具钢 5crnimo价格 5crnimo圆钢 5crnimo圆棒 5crnimo板材5crnimo钢板
5crnimo成分 5crnimo性能 5crnimo硬度 5crnimo密度 5crnimo热处理
倍徕斯金属 5crnimo 板材/板料现货: 板材厚度6mm-300mm,轧板、锻板、板材、锻件等
倍徕斯金属 5crnimo 圆棒/圆棒现货: 圆棒直径10mm-300mm,毛圆、车光圆、锻圆、光圆、轧圆等
倍徕斯金属 5crnimo 厂家/产地名称: 进口/东北特钢/抚钢/东特5crnimo,宝钢/宝特/上钢五厂/长钢5crnimo
倍徕斯金属 5crnimo 钢材/5crnimo名称: 合金工具钢—5crnimo东特合金工具钢,钢5crnimo合金工具钢
手 机:188 6212 7231
手 机:189 1260 8965
手 机:189 1260 8952
电 话:0512-68297075
传 真:0512-68236061
网 址:www.jsblessed.com
邮 箱:jsblessed@163.com
地 址:苏州工业园区跨塘镇唯和路93号
倍徕斯金属 5crnimo 钢材价格说明: 价格,批发价格,合金工具钢价格,钢材价格,批发价,厂家直销价
倍徕斯金属 5crnimo 钢材主要别称: 钢,钢材,合金工具钢,合金工具钢材,模具5crnimo,合金工具钢,工具钢
倍徕斯金属 5crnimo 钢材批发说明: 批发,批发商,厂家直销,代理商,合金工具钢批发,厂家直销
倍徕斯金属 5crnimo 钢材规格说明: 圆棒,圆钢,锻圆,小圆棒,锻打圆棒圆钢,板材,板料,板块
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11、重皮(结疤) :表面呈舌状或鱼鳞片的翘起薄片:一种是与钢的本体相连结,并折合到表面上不易脱落;另一种是与钢的本体没有连结,但粘合到表面易于脱落。
17、麻点(麻面) :表面呈现局部的或连续的成片粗糙面,分布着形状不一、大小不同的凹坑,严重时有类似桔子皮状的,比麻点大而深的麻斑。
5CrNiMo hot work die steel is alloy tool steel alloy element content is low, is the traditional hammer forging die steel, with good toughness, strength and wear resistance, quenching permeability, 300 x 300 x 400mm of workpiece can hardenability. For the production of complex shape, a variety of large, medium heavy load impact hammer forging die (length >400mm).
Chemical composition
Sulfur: S = 0.030
P: P = 0.030
Chrome Cr:0.50 ~ 0.80
Ni Ni: allow residual content less than 0.25
Cu: allow residual copper content is less than 0.30
Mo Mo:0.15 ~ 0.30
Annealing, 241 ~ 197HB, indentation diameter of 3.9 ~ 4.3mm
Low alloy element content of hot work die steel, with good toughness, strength and wear resistance, due to the steel in the friends of molybdenum, the temper brittleness is not sensitive, steel is good.
1, the supply of steel in the forging process of the steel structure, the greater the diameter, the more serious segregation. In the forging, the alternating upsetting and drawing length should be made, and the number of the alternation should be no less than 2~3. Forging billet heating temperature for 1100º C~1150º C, began forging temperature 1050~l100º C, final forging temperature 800~850º C, forging to appear in white. Therefore, it should be slow cooling (sand cooling or cooling pit).
2, the annealing process uses complete or isothermal annealing.
3, quenching, tempering process quenching preheating temperature 600~650º, heating temperature to 830~860º oil quenching. For the large complex die, in order to reduce the quenching stress, to avoid the generation of quenching defects, can be used in the pre - cooling or quenching oil. After the mold is removed from the furnace, first in the air pre cooled to 750 ~ 800 DEG C, and then quenched in oil 30-80 DEG C, until the die temperature dropped to slightly lower than the MS temperature, from oil to remove the empty cold, then as tempering furnace for tempering.
After quenching the mold should be tempered immediately. Dovetail part of the mold due to concentrated under impact load, than some motifs have higher impact degree, generally in overall mold after tempering, to separate the swallowtail part to improve local tempering temperature, reduce the propensity of crack and failure of dovetail