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发货地:南京浦口  (发货期:当天内发货)






凡所出示图纸中所指建筑变形缝装置产品以下简称变形缝和防火带,均执行标准为《建筑变形缝装置》2003沪J/T—302及Q/320581 DYC001-2004标准。(特殊技术要求均可满足设计、业主要求而增加)

All show the drawings referred to in the building deformation joint device products hereinafter referred to as the deformation cracks and firebreak, executive standards for the building deformation joint device Shanghai J/T 2003-2003 and Q / 320581 DYC001-2004 standard. (special technical requirements can meet the requirements of design, the owner and increased)


2, the reference standard


The American society of testing materials (ASTM)

1. ASTM B 221-铝料及铝合金之挤出型杆、棒、管型材标准规范。相同国家标准GB/T5237-2-2000中6063-T5型材。

1. ASTM B 221 - aluminum and aluminum alloy extrusion type rod, bar, pipe material standard specification. The same in national standard GB/T5237-2-2000 6063 - T5 profiles.

2. ASTM B 209-铝料及铝合金之挤出或轧制、型材板材标准规范。相同国家标准GB/T5237-2-2000中6061/T-6的铝及铝合金板材。

2. ASTM B 209 - aluminum and aluminum alloy extrusion or rolling sheet, profiles standard specification. Same national standard GB/T5237-2-2000-6061 / T - 6 in aluminium and aluminium alloy plate.

3. ASTM A 167 -轧制的不锈钢板材标准规范SUS 304,相同国家标准GB/T 3280-1992 的不锈钢板。

3. The ASTM A 167 - rolled stainless steel plate standards SUS 304, the same national standard GB/T 3280-1992 stainless steel plate.

4. ASTM E 119-防火带标准测试方法,国家标准GB/T9978-1999《建筑构件耐火试验方法》。

4. ASTM E 119 - firebreak standard test methods, the national standard GB/T9978-1999 "construction fire-proof test method".

5. ASTM D 412 746 2240热塑性橡胶SANTOPRENE标准测试方法。

5. ASTM D 412 746 2240 thermoplastic rubber SANTOPRENE standard test methods.

6. ASTM D 4637-挤出的片材标准规范的三元乙丙橡胶,相同国家GB 18173.1中的三元乙丙橡胶板。

6. ASTM D 4637 - extrusion sheet standard specification of epdm, the same GB 18173.1 the epdm rubber sheet.


3, system instructions


A. deformation joint cover plate and profile frame, pole, water stop, fire belt and filler material must be able to bear


After expansion force, subsidence and earthquake force can maintain its original state without being damaged, the waterproof, fire prevention


Effectiveness is not affected.

b. 防火带有二小时防火时效、三小时防火时效、四小时防火时效。并应符合Q/320581 FQVO01-2007中3.5、4.11防火带材料要求,材料为非有机材料,不助燃且不产生烟雾。

B. fire fire limitation, three hours with 2 hours fire limitation fire limitation, four hours. And shall comply with the Q / 320581 FQVO01-2007 in 3.5, 4.11, fireproof material requirements, material for the organic material, no combustion and don't smoke.

c. 地坪变形缝装置盖板平均荷载在作用板长500mm时,为200KG以上。

C. average load in seam floor deformation device cover board is 500 mm long, for more than 200 kg.


D. floor deformation joint cover plate is composed of 6061 - T6 aluminum alloy, bearing capacity is more than 900 kg/m2.

注: 1. 6063-T5 铝合金型材应能承受应力为1200psi以上

Note: 1. The 6063 - T5 aluminum profile should be able to withstand stress for more than 1200 psi

2. 6061-T6 铝合金板材应能承受应力为2800psi以上

2. The 6061 - T6 aluminum alloy sheet should be able to withstand the stress for more than 2800 psi

3. SUS304不锈钢板材应能承受应力为3600psi以上

3. SUS304 stainless steel sheet should be able to withstand stress for more than 3600 psi


4, literature review,


Deformation joint device drawings need to the design institute to review before production. Installation personnel should be put forward before play installation construction plan, approved by the architect or owner rear can construction. Solutions include rabbet drawing and installation node figure, construction technology, etc.


5, quality assurance

a. 材料进场时,本公司应提供产品合格证、质量证明书。

A. material comes into play, the company shall provide product certificate, certificate of quality.

b. 本公司具有类似工程安装施工经验,多项大型工程安装经验,对业主、施工单位、监理全程督促工程品质,创建优良的变形缝工程形象。

B. installation construction experience, the company has a similar project several major engineering installation experience, for the owner, the construction unit, supervision of the entire supervise engineering quality, create a good image deformation joint project.

6、 运输、储存及装卸

6, transportation, storage and loading and unloading

a. 包装及运输 材料在运抵施工现场未安装前,仍须以本公司包装保存。

A. in packaging and shipping materials to the construction site before installation, must still be in packaging to save the company.

b. 装卸须小心,避免直接触撞地面,以免引起材料擦伤,影响美观。

B. loading and unloading must be careful, avoid direct contact with hit the ground, lest cause material abrasion, affect beautiful.


7, products and materials

a. 产品生产严格按照审核后图纸进行生产,材质应符合下列要求,伸缩量应达到图纸或样本要求。产品出厂时,表面不应有擦伤,产品在安装中的中心板有保护膜保护。

A. production in strict accordance with the drawings for production, after checking material should meet the following requirements, expansion amount shall meet the requirements of drawings or samples. Products factory, the surface should not have scratches, the product in the center of the installation of the plate has a protective film to protect.

b. 地坪、内墙、外墙、吊顶若采用SANTOPRENE热塑性橡胶应符合下列要求:

B. floor paint, interior and exterior wall, condole top if using SANTOPRENE thermoplastic rubber shall meet the following requirements:

拉伸强度 4.5(Mpa)以上 ASTM D 412

Tensile strength (4.5 Mpa) above ASTM D 412

伸长率 300%以上 ASTM D 412

More than 300% elongation ASTM D 412

硬度 SHORE A 55±5 ASTM D 2240

SHORE hardness A 55 + 5 ASTM D 2240

脆化温度 -40℃以下 ASTM D 746

The embrittlement temperature below 40 ℃ ASTM D 746


The SANTOPRENE thermoplastic rubber for the continuous extrusion products, according to the situation of embedded length


Into, do not need to stitching. Color can be according to the buyer for sample color for production, and can according to need production check


Finish the thermoplastic rubber, continuous extrusion.

c. 地坪、外墙、屋顶止水带采用三元乙丙橡胶防水片材,应符合下列要求:

C. Floor, walls, roof water stop using epdm waterproof sheet, shall meet the following requirements:

抗拉强度 (Mpa) 7.5

Tensile strength (Mpa) 7.5

断裂伸长率 (%) 450

Elongation at break (%) 450

抗撕裂强度(KN/m) 25

The tear strength (KN/m) 25

尺寸变化率(mm) 2~4

Dimensional changes (mm) 2 ~ 4

不透水性(不透水) 0.3 Mpa.30min

Impervious (waterproof) 0.3 Mpa. 30 min

脆性温度(℃) -40

Brittleness temperature (℃) - 40

耐臭氧老化(无裂纹) 500PPhm.40℃ 拉伸40%.168h

Resistance to ozone aging (no crack) 500 PPHM. 40 ℃ stretching by 40% to 168 h

接头强度(N/mm) —

Joint strength (N/mm) -

粘合性能(位移和脱开长度<5mm) 合格

Adhesive performance (displacement and release length < 5 mm)

d. 产品采用铝合金材料均为6063-T5,特例要求可用6061-T6,其材质应符合下列要求:

D. products using aluminum alloy materials are 6063 - T5, special requirements are available 6061 - T6, its material shall meet the following requirements:

牌号 抗拉强度 伸长率 氧化膜 韦氏硬度

Brand oxide film tensile strength and elongation Webster's hardness

6063-T5 160 N/mm2 8% ≥12um 8 HW

6063 - T5 160 N / 12 um 8 HW was 8% or greater

6061-T6 265 N/mm2 8% ≥12um 16 HW

6061 - T6 265 N / 12 um 16 HW was 8% or greater


Aluminum alloy surfaces shall be silver oxidation treatment, otherwise requires can meet the design requirements.


8, installation and protection


(1), installation,

根据产品槽口图要求处理槽口,后安装两侧铝框架,铝框架用膨胀螺丝固定,间距为400 mm。后盖上伸缩缝盖板和滑杆固定之,滑杆构件最大间距不得超过500 mm。(详见不同型号规格产品安装工艺)

Slit notches figure requirements processing, according to the product after installation on both sides of the aluminum frame, aluminum frame by expansion screws, spacing is 400 mm. Expansion joint cover plate and slide bar fixed on the back cover, the biggest space must not exceed 500 mm slide bar component. The product installation process (see the different specifications)


A. check


Confirm installation related dimensions and correct deformed joints.


B. slit, slot size should be by construction unit to cooperate to set aside extra chisel, using less of C25 concrete filling (fill beyond 30 mm wide requirements plus wire mesh reinforcement).


C. required in time according to owner, the construction unit for installation.


D. according to the installation drawing for installation.


E. after deformation cracks in place should be civil cement mortar backfill.


F. deformation cracks of metope and ground panel use docking, lap installation technology on roof panel, sealed with sealant, and at the same time in the build it lap of 20 mm on both sides of the metal plate with aluminum rivet in the middle and anchorage.


G. appearance after installation on the straight and flat seam of neat, horizontal, straight line, should be consistent with the corner of the room, the ground surface (tolerance + / - 2 mm).


2] protection,


Before building is not enabled, deal with flat surface protective measures of appropriately, to avoid damage of other projects.

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