25%银焊条斯米克广西哪里有卖斯米克HL302银焊条25%促销价格YG301 BAg10CuZn(HL301) 9-11 52-54 余量 815-850 451 价格便宜,但钎焊温度较高,接头塑性较差,适宜于钎焊要求较低的铜合金,钢等 QCu15Ag BAg15CuZn 14-16 46-48 余量 787-808 YG302 BAg25CuZn(HL302) 24-26 40-42 余量 700-800 353 钎焊温度稍高,润湿性及填缝能力好,适宜于钎焊铜合金,钢等25%银焊条斯米克广西哪里有卖25%银焊条 BAg25CuZnCd BAg-33 607-682 含镉银钎料较无隔银钎料熔点相对较低,可用于分级钎焊,对于钎焊钢及不锈钢.硬质合金时工艺性能均好于无镉银钎料。主要用于钎焊铜及铜合金.钢及不锈钢.硬质合金等。 主要生产:碳化钨合金耐磨焊条,合金堆焊焊条,钴基焊条,钴基焊丝,银焊条,纯镍Z308铸铁焊条,铸铁气焊条,高温耐磨焊条,抗冲击耐磨焊条,可加工耐磨焊条,模具焊条,阀门焊条,钴基1号,高锰钢堆焊条,不锈钢焊条,耐热钢焊条,铜及铜合金焊条,铸造碳化钨气焊条;镍基焊条等特种焊材。焊性和耐腐蚀性,很高的导热和导电性能以及极好的加工性能,但强度较低。 用途:用作纯铝的氩弧焊及填充材料,广泛应用于电解铝厂铝母线和导杆的连接以及电力、化学、食品等行业。我公司新研制具有先进水平的铝材之间钎焊的无缝药芯钎料。目前市场用量非常大,也是司主打产品之一,可根据客户需求制成条状、环状以方便使用。其焊接效果与韩国法国等进口焊丝几无相差,但价格要便宜一半,钎焊铝制产品的朋友欢迎您试用该产品。
S 213 |
Sn8 Cu Rem. |
Wear resistance. Argon arc welding of copper alloys and surfacing of
steel. |
S 214 |
Al7.5 Cu Rem. |
Wear and corrosion resistance. Argon arc welding of copper alloys and
surfacing of steel. |
S 215 |
Al9 Cu Rem. |
Wear and corrosion resistance. Argon arc welding of copper alloys and
surfacing of steel. |
S 221 |
Cu60 Sn1 Si0.3 |
Melting point is about 890℃. Gas welding and carbon arc welding of brass, also braze welding of
copper, steel and cast iron. |
S 221F |
Cu60 Sn1 Si 0.3 |
S221 welding rod coated with flux. |
S 222 |
Cu58Sn0.9Si0.1 |
Melting point is about 880℃. Gas welding and carbon arc welding of brass, also braze welding of
copper, steel and cast iron. |
S 222F |
Cu58Sn0.9Si0.1 |
S222 welding rod coated with flux. |
S 223 |
Cu59 Sn0.6 |
Melting point is about 900℃. Braze welding of copper, steel and cast iron. |
S 224 |
Cu62 Si0.5 |
Melting point is about 905℃. Gas welding and carbon arc welding of brass, also braze welding of
copper, steel and cast iron. |
S 225 |
Cu48 Ni10 |
Melting point is about 935℃ and
high strength. Braze welding of steel, nickel and carbide alloys. |
S 225F |
Cu48 Ni10 |
S225 welding rod coated with flux. |
S 226 |
Cu60 Sn0.3 |
Melting point is about 900℃. Gas welding of brass, also braze welding of copper, steel and cast
iron. |
S 227 |
Cu58Sn0.9Ni0.5 |
Melting point is about 880℃. Gas welding and carbon arc welding of brass, also braze welding of
copper, steel and cast iron. |
S 229 |
Cu55 Ni6 Mn4 |
Melting point is about 920℃, high strength. Braze welding of steel, nickel and hard carbide. |